Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Content Area Topic Ideas

As I sit brainstorming on what to chose for my content area topic, I realize that within language arts there truly are a wide variety of options. It is hard to pick just one! At first I was thinking of focusing on text features. Since I have already done one project on this during my graduate studies, I revised my thinking and came up with another option. 

An element of language arts that my students work on all year long is figurative language. This deals with similes, metaphors, personification, and more. Writers often use this type of language to add more flair to their work. There are several examples of this type of language in almost every text that I explore with my fifth grade students. I think this topic may lead me to some great ideas for my future assignments in this course. Does anyone have any thoughts on my choice? 

I appreciate any input you can provide.

Thanks! :-)


  1. Another 5th grade Language Arts teacher! I think figurative language sounds like a great idea. I am thinking about using genre as my content topic. My class is reading-intensive and I was planning to introduce a genre unit this year and a genre reading requirement using passports.

    1. Genre seems like another good topic choice. Best of luck on a new school year!
